Sunday, 15 May 2011

Tutorial 8

This week we had two guest speekers who came to talk to us about 'Assistive technology'. The class was very interesting and helpful to us becomeing OT's. According to the Interagency Committee on Disability Research 2001 -2002,  Assistive technology (AT) can be defined as any item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities.

The first hour of the class was spent talking about all the differnt technologys out there and how they can be used in practice. The second hour was spent using the differnt devices and learning how they all worked, it was very hands on.

The technology that really intresed me was 'Wii', Wii is a motion controled game that has a hand held pointing device that detects movement.  you can play this individually or in teams.
I never thought it could be used for therapy but there are so many benefits of using it. It can help people with balance, hand eye coordination, motor skills, arm and leg exersizes, general fitness and memory.
It has been used to help poeple with TBI, Mental illnesses, and rehabilitation (wii-habilitation).
Wii is challanging, fun and helps you gain new skills. You are able to set goals for yourself and acheive these. It also helps with social interaction. here is a video of someone using wii as rehabilitation This website has more information about Wii and how it is used.

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