-Every week YouTubers produce enough material for 60,00 full length films! That is alot of videos!
-20% of users are 20 or under
- Music is the most popular category of video
- The first video that was ever uploaded was on the 23rd April 2005 which was 18 seconds long
- 24 hours of video are uploaded per minute
-Exceeds 2 billion views a day
- In 2006 google purchased YouTube for $1.65 Billion
Services offered by youtube- youtube not only allows you to upload and share your videos but you can easily find videos on absolutely anything! All you do is type in key words and thousands of videos will come up relating to that search. you can also rate the videos and comment on them.
While on fieldwork Placement i did a lot of work with clients with schizophrenia.
Here is some information and videos that show how schizophrenia can effect some people. this video shows how two people deal with there illness, what medication they are on and how it effects their family's. This is very interesting, it shows how schizophrenia can effect people at a young age. it is about a girl who has been diagnosed with this disorder. this video gives a breif over view of what schizophrenia is and what are the symptoms
These last two videos show poeple living with schizophrenia and how it effects them.
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